The Bozeman Montana Stake is going to participate in Stake Pioneer Trek this summer! It is at Antelope Basin on the Montana-Idaho border (near Island Park). It will be from July 15 through July 17, 2021. This is a wonderful opportunity for the youth of our stake.
Going on Trek gives us the chance to experience to a small degree the faith and determination of the early Pioneers who crossed the plains almost 200 years ago. Together as we honor the memories of those Saints who cross the plains we will:
Youth Participants: All youth who have turned 14 or will turn 14 in 2021, and youth who will be participating in YM/YW in Fall 2021 are invited to attend Trek 2021.
Adult Participants: Participation in open to adults who have received an assignment from the Stake. Generally this will be Ma's and Pa's, official Trek Committee Members, and Bishops/Branch Presidents (and spouses).